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1913 W. Townline Rd. Peoria, IL 61615



Current Action Items


Demand DSP wages increase in 2025

The projected FY2025 budget proposed by Governor Pritzker keeps our funding exactly the same. With minimum wage increasing in January 2025, we will see a decrease in funding. Guidehouse recommends DSP rates be 150% to minimum wage. Currently, that rate is at 139% and after January 2025 will bring it down to 130%. 

If we don’t see an increase in 2025 of $3.00/hr we may not see another increase until 2026 (2 years). This brings us back down to the lowest rate given in 7 years!

Thank you to those who fill out witness slips as a PROPONENT of this bill. 

Learn More – SB3764

See the Signed Legislation Support Letter

They Deserve More Fact Sheet


Accurate & Transparent Rate Sheets

Requires the Department of Human Services to, at least annually, provide each provider of home and community-based services an updated, detailed rate sheet for each funded individual served by the provider.

Agencies are not currently receiveing these sheets. Agencies need them to understand details regarding each individual’s reimbursement rates and how those rates were calculated. If data was received, it had previously been outdated and inaccurate, sometimes being 10 years behind. This bill requires agencies to recieve this information for each person served along with requesting updates or changes to the rates are submitted to agencies within 45 days. 

This is a necessity to operate our business

Learn More – HB5250


Tell Legislators: DO NOT CUT DSP HOURS!

Learn More – DSP Hour Cuts – CEO Letter

Overall rates for people living in group homes haven’t increased in 30 years and are now in danger of losing funding.

With the new proposed rates EP!C will lose 22,400 DSP hours, affecting 11 positions, resulting in $458,000 less in funding! 

Demand leaders fix and fully fund our residential reimbursement rates.

1. Send one of the template letters below in the mail
2. Join us in making calls (phone script in CEO letter above)
3. Share the letter template in an email to legislators along with your friends and family
4. Share our advocacy posts on social media

See the list of legislative contacts below. Call their offices, send them emails, and let them know this is not right and must be fixed!

State Executive and Legislative Contacts

Letter for Staff/Board Members
Letter for Families/Guardians
Letter for Community Members



Tell Congress: Support the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Savings Penalty Elimination Act. 

Learn More – S.4012 SSI

People with disabilities (and elderly) shouldn’t be told they can only have assets of $2,000 across their entire portfolio.
EP!C has a workforce that is ready and able to work but these stipulations mean they are not allowed to work a full 40 hours a week without impacting their benefits.

Take 30 sec. to send an email to Leaders encouraging them to increase the limit to $10,000.


Send an email to Representatives NOW!

Our friends at The Arc have created a simple form. Just fill out your information then in the text box (first sentence) change from you are a member of The Arc to a supporter of EP!C and click send. 



Demand full funding of the Guidehouse Study. Take 30 seconds to send an automated email to Illinois’ Leaders.

Learn More – DSP Wages

Step 1 – click the button below
Step 2 – fill out your information
Step 3 – hit start writing
Step 4 – hit send letter

Send an email to Representatives NOW!

Sign a witness slip in PROPONENT of Senate Bill 2026

Witness Slip Instructions:

Step 1 – fill out your personal information
                Business/Agency: EPIC
 Title: Who you are (Board Member, Staff, Family Member, Supporter, etc.)
Step 2 – Under Representation: EPIC (no special characters)
Step 3 – Under Subject Matter in the drop down select SB 2026
Step 4 – Select PROPONENT (meaning you are in favor of passing the bill)
Step 5 – Under Testimony: Record of Appearance Only
Step 6 – check the agree to the terms box
Step 7 – Click Create(Slip)

Sign a witness slip as a PROPONENT of SB2026

Thank you for making your voice heard!



CILA Rate Calculator Fix and Fund. 

Learn More – Rate Calculator Fix

Overall rates for people living in group homes haven’t increased in 30 years and are now in danger of losing funding altogether.

With the new proposed rates EP!C will lose 45,568 DSP hours! 

Take 30 sec. to send an email to Leaders demanding they fix and fully fund our residential reimbursement rates. 

See the list of legislative contacts below. Call their offices, send them emails, and let them know this is not right and must be fixed!

State Executive and Legislative Contacts



Tell Congress: Support the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Savings Penalty Elimination Act. 

Learn More – S.4012 SSI

People with disabilities (and elderly) shouldn’t be told they can only have assets of $2,000 across their entire portfolio.

Take 30 sec. to send an email to Leaders encouraging them to increase the limit to $10,000.

Send an email to Representatives NOW!

Our friends at The Arc have created a simple form. Just fill out your information then in the text box (first sentence) change from you are a member of The Arc to a supporter of EP!C and click send. 



Advocating for individuals with disabilities is a necessary and integral component of the work EP!C does. In addition to our own advocating efforts, EP!C encourages friends, families and supporters to take time to join the advocacy process and spread the word to increase awareness about the issues and needs faced by individuals with disabilities. There are several effective ways to advocate. The most powerful way to advocate is to share your story, whether you or your friend or family member is directly affected or you are a community supporter.

When telling your story, we suggest you mention the following information:

  • Your issue
  • How this issue affects you
  • How having proper supports could change your life (or the life of a
    friend or family member)
  • What your (or their) struggles without these supports are
  • Why you want to share this experience with your government official
  • What you hope to see change in the future


Past Action Items

Sign a witness slip as a PROPONENT to demand full funding for disabled citizens. 

Witness Slip for HB4832

Step 1 – fill out your personal information
                Business/Agency: EPIC
 Title: Who you are (Board Member, Staff, Family Member, Supporter, etc.)
Step 2 – Under Representation: EPIC (no special characters)
Step 3 – Under Testimony: Record of Appearance Only
Step 4 – Select PROPONENT (meaning you are in favor of passing the bill)
Step 5 – agree to the terms & select create slip

Demand full funding of the Guidehouse Study. Take 30 seconds to send an automated email to Illinois’ Leaders.

Learn More – SB4063 & HB4832

Step 1 – click the button below
Step 2 – fill out your information
Step 3 – hit start writing
Step 4 – hit send letter

Send an email to Representatives NOW!

Thank you for making your voice heard!

Learn more about how the budget breaks down.


Learn More – HB HR0194

5.24.2021 a second witness slip for HB-HR0194 was requested for committee review on 5.27 at 9am.


Learn More – HB HR0181

Human Services Institute Guiding Principles Article
(resource for HB HR0181)


Learn More – HB 2148 & HB 3340


Who To Contact

Illinois Congressional Contact Information

State Executive and Legislative Contacts